Tips on Job Searching Mistakes to Avoid - SUBILINK


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Monday, January 4

Tips on Job Searching Mistakes to Avoid

7 Tips on Job Searching Mistakes to Avoid

Tag: Job Preparation 

Finding a job is not as easy as one thinks. It is a challenging part of our career. Every day, hundreds of people are in search for a job which they are interested in or which match their qualifications. To find a better job you need to have the right pick of the job which you apply for. Before applying for a job you have to make sure you have the right qualification that the company or employer is looking for.

Another important thing is to have an effective resume. All your skills, qualifications and achievements must be included but do not forget to keep it brief. Even though you are doing your best, there may be some mistakes that are not allowing you to reach your destination. So, what can be the possible mistakes in a job search? What are those things you need to improve to get the job you deserve? Are the mistakes major or can be solved easily?

Some mistakes are major which definitely needs time but other can be small mistakes. Nevertheless you should never neglect anything which can harm in your job search. So in this competitive world, simple mistakes can be enough to blow you out from the context of being a right candidate. Let’s learn about some of the most common mistakes in a job search:

Applying For Random Jobs

Sometimes it’s quite challenging to get a job of your choice. So, rather than waiting for the matching job, people apply for random jobs with an expectation of just getting a job. This is one of the most common mistakes in job search by candidates. Applying for a job which doesn’t match your qualifications and interest is worthless.

If you are not qualified for a job, you should never expect to get it. Rather you should focus and take some time for your job search and apply for those which match your skills and qualifications. Or else, you can also make some effort to get some training which will enhance your skills and help you get the right job.

Not Sending a Cover Letter

A cover letter is a document that provides additional information on your skills and experiences. It includes you basic information, skills, experience and knowledge. In this document, you write the true purpose of the letter; why you want the job? What makes you the right candidate for the given vacancy? And so on.

There is a huge negligence on the part of job seekers, i.e. job seekers not sending the cover letter. Also, the ones who send the cover letter don’t provide all the required information. Other major mistakes can be not attaching the important documents needed for a job.

Ignoring Social Media

Social media these days are used for many purposes other than networking. Whenever you apply for jobs, don’t assume that your qualification, resume, CV and so on will do all the things. Social media being powerful can boost up your networking power. It has open up the access to reach to the people easily.

Be active on social media and start following people and their industries. Many people get rejected after their interviews just because of lack of information about the company. Do some research about the company; search them in social networking websites like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and more.

Avoiding Personal Networking Events

Getting out and making connections with the community and industry is also very crucial for getting a job. Of course it is okay to be shy, but at least make some effort to make few personal connections. Networking is essential and plays a very important role in getting a job. It is an essential skill.

Join the local events, get some time to know important persons in the industry, and make connections. Don’t be limited to only social media to get connected with new people. It is a drawback to your dreams getting fulfilled. If you tend to remain shy all the time you will limit your goal to yourself. Set an objective to connect with as much people as you can besides networking online.

Take Rejection Personally

The fact is it’s rare that people get the job offer the first time they apply. Getting a job is not that easy. So, if you get rejected, you should never take it too personally. Rejection is a normal phenomenon that every job seeker faces at certain point of his/her career. You can learn many things from rejection.

Try to know the reason of rejection and what you lack. Get feedback from people and try to improve those skills you are weak in or acquire new skills that can be beneficial for you in the future. Act on each and every feedback that you get from employers, recruiters and any other people. Make rejection your strength while applying for upcoming jobs.

Being Limited

Surfing the Internet for job search is a good idea. You can find many job vacancies in the Internet. There are many vacancies posted online as well as offline. These days, it’s very much easy to apply online as well. However, there are lots of other place you can explore. Hanging online cannot just get you job you are in search for.

You can look for someone who can help you get a job. Recommendations or referrals helps a lot in job search. In addition, your personal or professional networks can be an easy catch for you. Due to the connection, there may be less competition for getting a job. But people feel shy about this matter; they hesitate to contact their friends or people they know.

Take your Eye Off the Competition

It’s the age of competition. You must never forget that there are thousands of people like you who are in search of a job. Many people fall in your category of job search like competing for similar job in similar level. Your skills and experiences must always be in mind, but also your key achievements.

Try to build your skills and your achievements that can make you different from other competitors. Your competition will have the same kind of responsibilities but your achievements are unique. The way of proactive thinking and presentation of your CV falls in the line. The new way of presentation of your skills will help you make even better impressions from the beginning. Job searching is a very tough thing to do. You need to have the right guide to success.

The above mentioned tips will surely help you avoid the job searching mistakes you may be doing. 

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