Just Register and get a Chance to Win Nokia Lumia 1020 and many other Prizes - SUBILINK


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Saturday, October 17

Just Register and get a Chance to Win Nokia Lumia 1020 and many other Prizes

Hi I am Bibek Again here with an intresting  stuff. Now you have a chance to win Nokia Lumia 1020 and many other exciting prizes like Nokia Lumia 625 and many more. There is a challenge open to all newbie who want to enter in a developer world. 

Now, a challenge named as 'Dvlup' is open for all newbie to enhance there skills and  to learn many new thing  in the developer world. 

For Registration:-

Click here to participate in the Competition:

After registration you have to update your profile as shown in the figure:-

It will take maximum up to 7 days to verify your account.
After verification you are all set to go.

How to increase Points

The shortcut to increase your points is through quizzes. Take a quiz , Go through the slides and video and answer all the questions correctly. You will get your points simultaneously.

and as per your points you can get many rewards as shown in the site.


there are many more prizes so hurry up .

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