How to Delete Linux Partition Safely Without Getting Grub Error - SUBILINK


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Friday, October 16

How to Delete Linux Partition Safely Without Getting Grub Error

We can delete any partition that contains Linux boot from windows without getting grub error from next reboot.  Most of the users who have made dual boot of windows and Linux get grub error when they delete Linux partition. So today I am here with solution of that. You don’t need any DVDs or USB storagedevice for this. You can do it in simple one step.
I have made dual boot of backtrack and Windows 7 on my laptop and I was searching for the idea so that I can delete Linux partition safely without getting grub error. I searched in Google for solution of this but I didn’t found proper solution for that. Not only me, many people want to do that and I know you are also one among them :)
So how to delete Linux partition safely without getting grub error ? Here is the solution for that…

  • Power on your device.
  • Now you will see boot option for Linux and windows.
  • Scroll down to windows and hit enter.
  • As soon as you hit enter press f8 continuously until you get windows repair option.
  • Now select repair windows.
  • After you select repair then go to command prompt.
  • On command prompt type this command “bootrec /fixmbr” without quotes and hit enter.
You are done :) . Now you can restart your PC and check. You will not see any Linux boot option. Now simply you can go to the partition manager and can delete the Linux partition.
By this way you will delete Linux partition without getting grub error. 

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