Create Invisible & Color Folder - SUBILINK


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Wednesday, October 14

Create Invisible & Color Folder

You always heard about a wihout name folder but you don’t know how to create it .
Now I create invisible folder with two tricks . 

 Create Invisible Folder

First Trick  

  • First you create a folder .
  • Then press Window Key +R ,Run is open now you type charmap , For giving this command your character map is open.
  • In search box you type    U+2001:Em Quad     and then select it.
    •  Right click on your folder and then click on rename it, and paste you select character.
     Now you just create a wihout name folder.

    Second Trick

    • You create a folder and rename it and hold down Alt key and press 0160 (numlock on)

      Color  your Folder

      You can create your color folder wih this software  Folder Colorizer



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