How to get rid of fat in 2 easy steps. - SUBILINK


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Thursday, October 15

How to get rid of fat in 2 easy steps.

I started doing this when I had trouble separating the fat from my chicken broth after making it. Even after putting it in the fridge overnight the fat never seemed to get completely hard on top.  This is the most foolproof method I’ve found for separating fat from broth of gravy.


Fill a baggie with gravy, chicken broth, pan drippings or whatever else needs the fat separated out from it.


Leave the baggie to sit until the fat has floated to the top and separated.

Cut the corner off of the bag and drain it until you get to the top portion where the fat is.
(Then just pinch the bag with your fingers or have another bowl close by the put the bag over.)  If you make a really small hole in the bag this will be easier to do.  Unlike the mammoth hole I used.
That’s it.  That’s all you do.  Fill a baggie, cut a corner.  Normally when you cut corners things don’t work out well at all, but in this case it does.

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