How To Type In Hindi In Mobile Phone or Computer Like a Pro - SUBILINK


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Wednesday, October 14

How To Type In Hindi In Mobile Phone or Computer Like a Pro

In this post, we briefly describe you how you can type the Hindi language in your mobile and window PC.
Type Hindi in Mobile or PC
Many of my android phone friends asks me how they Hindi in android mobile. This post for Hindi lovers who want type Hindi in android mobile.

Google Hindi Input App for Phones

Google Hindi Input app is one of the most amazing android apps for mobiles. With this app, you can easily type Hindi in android mobile. You can send your WhatsApp messages in Hindi, send Facebook message in hand and also update your FB status in Hindi. People like Hindi jokes in Hindi languages.
Download Google Input app from Google Play for Android Phones.
Developer: Google Inc.
Price: Free 
Setup Google Hindi Input App in your Android Phone
This app is a separate keyboard app for your phone. You can type Hindi and English language from this app. Download this app and follow the instructions of this app.
Type Hindi in Android
Type Hindi in Android
You can also type Hindi in Your iPhone from Hindi for iPhone app.
Developer: Prathibha Eraiah
Price: Free 
Don’t worry window phone users you can also type Hindi in your Windows Phone from Type Hindi App.
Developer: Binu
Price: Free 

Type Hindi in Your Computer

Typing the Hindi Language in mobile is simple from the app, but what about PC. Believe me, typing Hindi language in PC is more simple than typing Hindi in a phone.
You need to download Chrome Extension for your PC. Google also made Google Hindi Input app for Chrome users. If you use Chrome browser in your PC, you can easily download this chrome extension in your PC and type Hindi in a computer.
Developer: Unknown
The benefit of this extension, you can easily switch to Hindi and English in seconds just like mobile. Installing this extension is very simple. For switching to Hindi just open Google Hindi Input extension and select Hindi. Now you can type Hindi like a pro user.
Type Hindi in PC Chrome Browser
Type Hindi in PC Chrome Browser
आप हिंदी मैं टाइप कर सकते है 
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