10 Best Websites on Internet Which People Use Most - SUBILINK


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Wednesday, November 4

10 Best Websites on Internet Which People Use Most

10 Best Websites on Internet

#1 Screenr.com

Record movies of your desktop and send them straight to YouTube.

#2 Ctrlq.org/screenshots

Capture screens of web pages on mobile and desktops.

#3 Goo.gl

Shorten long URL and convert URLs into QR codes.

#4 Unfurlr.com

Find the original URL that’s hiding behind a short URL.

#5 Copypastecharacter.com

Copy special characters that aren’t on your keyboard.

#6 Iconfinder.com

The best place to find icons of all sizes.

#7 Office.com

Download templates, clipart and images for your Office documents.

#8 Virustotal.com

Online Scan any Suspicious file or email attachment for virus.

#9 Wolframalpha.com

Gets answers directly without searching on Google.

#10 Pdfescape.com

Lets you can quickly edit PDFs in the browser itself. viewer.

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