What Are Top 10 Amazing Website that You Never Know Exist - SUBILINK


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Wednesday, November 4

What Are Top 10 Amazing Website that You Never Know Exist

Most amazing websites for any internet users. I am sure many of you never heard about these websites. Here we make a list of Top 10 websites that pranks you, give you amazing tools and powers. Number 1 and 10 is amazing and one of my favourite.
Amazing Websites

Top 10 Amazing Website that You Never Know Exist

Top 10 Amazing Website that You Never Know Exist

1. Hackertyper

Hackertyper is one of the most amazing websites on this list. With this website you can prank your friends, you are a hacker or programmers and your typing speed is too good. Open this website and type anything you want. But the twist is when you type anything on this website, this website shows you predefined code. When you Press Double Tap Caps Lock message appeared Access Denied and When you press Double tap message appeared Access Granted. Get Feel Like Hacker and enjoy this website.

2. 10Minutemail.com

10Minutemail is create a mail address for you for only 10 minutes. You can use this website for getting subscription or creating fake id on any site. Your all emails and email self destruct in 10 minutes. You don’t need to fill a form,  just open this website and your temporary email address show in homepage.

3. Fake Name Generator

Create a Fake Full ID with every details from this site. This website generate random fake id for any user.

4. Down for Everyone or Just Me

Sometimes many website down or not open in your computer. Now check website is really down or it just for you from this website.


5. Date to Date Calculator

Calculate difference between two dates and year. You can get lots of stats from this website.
calculate difference between dates
calculate difference between dates
 Date and Time

6. Take Screenshot of Any Webapage

You can take full hd screenshot of any webpage and convert that screenshot into jpg,png andpdf format.
webpage screenshot
webpage screenshot
 Web Capture

7. Use Google without Country Restriction

When you google.com , google redirect you to country domain like google.in or google.co.uk. If you want to use google with no country restrictions, open google.com/ncr . With this you feel free to search anything on internet without country restrictions.
google ncr
google ncr
 Google NCR

8. Virustotal

If your friend send you suspicious file or you can download file from internet. With this website you check your file contain virus or not.Virustotal is a free online virus scanner.

9. Live Hacking Attack Map

If you really want see live hacking attacks. In this website you see live hacking map on world. You can seeip , attacker address, attack type, ports and lots of other info.
live hacking attacks
live hacking attacks

10. You can Destroy My Website

Yes, you can destroy my website. When you Click Below URL button you are able to destroy my website.
When you open below link none of webpage open , but you see arrow in screen. Now Press Space Button in your Keyboard and you are capable of destroying website content from shooting. Control arrow from arrow keys. Share this tricks with your friends and enjoy this amazing destroy my website trick.
space shoot
space shoot
Drag the button to your bookmarks bar to destroy other website.
 Destry thisWebsite
I think these amazing website , increased your knowledge. Share this article with your friends. 

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