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Monday, July 6

HTML tricks of the masters

View other pages source code

When browsing the Internet if you come across a web page doing something you like or you are curious on how they did something look at their source code.

Your home page should link to all sub pages

Your main page should link to ALL sub page or link to a category that link to the subpage. Every page on your site should be no more than 2-3 clicks from the home page.

All files should be in lowercase

When creating your web page, always create links and image file names in lower case. Most people search for text in lowercase, and since file names are case sensitive, it can help prevent problems with links you create or that others create to your site.

Separate all your files

If you have a small web page (less than a few dozen files), it is ok to place all files in one directory. However, if you plan on making hundreds of pages, we would recommend placing files in different directories or if another server, such as a CDN for images.

Promote your site

See the promoting a web page section for dozens of secrets and tips in promoting your website and getting it higher in search engines. If people cannot find your page in a search engine, they are not going to visit your site.

Do not use the full URL for links

When creating links to your sub pages or images, do not put your full URL also known as an absolute path. Instead type the path location also known as the relative path to make any future transition easier and for pages with lots of links load faster. To move forward in a folder type: a href="folder/file",  where folder is a sub folder of the current directory. If you need to go back a folder type: a href="../file", where the ../ moves back one directory.

Keep your page or blog about one topic

When creating your web page, make it about one topic and extend only upon that one topic. When people are looking for something, they are usually only interested about what they are trying to find. If your page has information about golf, makeup, and home repair people are going to be distracted or think the site is not comprehensive enough for what they came to the site to find.
Tip: If you have multiple interests consider creating multiple sites or blogs instead of having everything at one place.

Always be checking for web page errors

Bad or broken links, grammar errors, and spelling errors can all hurt your website. Always check the web page for errors. If you are always creating new content it is also a good idea to go back to older pages, especially if they are popular to make sure there are no errors and that it is up-to-date.

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