How do I find what network card and network I'm using?
Users running Microsoft Windows
- Click the Start Button and then click the "Programs" folder.
- Next, click the "Accessories" and then the "System Information" folder.
- Within the System Information window, click the + symbol next to Components.
- Click the "+" next to "Network" and highlight "Adapter", in the right side of the window you should be able to locate complete information about the network card.
Note: Microsoft may install a different, but compatible driver for some network cards. As a result, the network card listed may not actually be the exact manufacturer or model that is installed on your computer.
Other methods of determining the network card type
- Another method of determining the network card in the computer is by physically looking at the network card. Many times the network card will list the manufacturer and part number on the actual card.
- If you are unable to locate a manufacturer or model number of the network card, but can locate an FCC identification number, it is recommended that you perform an FCC search using that number. Additional information about FCC numbers and how to search for information about an FCC number can be found on our FCC dictionary definition page.
Product listing or specifications
If you are trying to list all the specific information about your computer network card, specifying the manufacturer, type, model, and speed of the network card is sufficient. Below is an example of how this may look.
PCI 3COM 3C905B 10/100 Ethernet
Drivers or installation
Replacement or repair
If you are trying to determine the network card because it needs replaced or repaired, it is recommended that the network card be replaced with another network card. If you are replacing an old 10MB network card it is recommended it be replaced with a 10/100 network card.
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