Enable and disable the password in Windows 95, 98, and ME - SUBILINK


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Thursday, July 9

Enable and disable the password in Windows 95, 98, and ME

Enable and disable the password in Windows 95, 98, and ME

Enabling the Windows 95, 98, or ME password

No Local Network
Users can customize in Passwords:
  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Open the Passwords icon.
  3. Click the User Profiles tab
  4. Select the second option "Users can customize their preferences and desktop settings. Windows switches to your personal settings when you log on."
  5. Click Ok and then restart the computer.
Enable Windows Login - If the above paragraph does not enable the password follow the steps below.
  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Open the Network icon.
  3. Under "Primary Network Login" ensure that Windows Login is selected. Note: This option may not be available if no network protocols are installed.
Local Network
Note: This information is pertaining to users who must authenticate with a larger network, such as a corporate network. If your network is managed by someone else, we recommend that they control the passwords. Additional issues may arise if the user does not have the correct privileges.
Install Network Card - Install the appropriate adapter for your network card.
Install Client for Microsoft Networks:
  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Open the Network icon.
  3. Click the Add button.
  4. Highlight client and click Add, select Microsoft and Client for Microsoft Network, and click Ok.
Install Protocol - Depending upon your network, install the appropriate protocol (TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBEUI). To install, click Start, Settings, Control Panel, Network, click Add, click Protocol and Add, select Microsoft and choose the appropriate protocol. Click Ok and restart the computer to complete the settings, now log into the computer.

Disabling the Windows 95, 98, or ME password

No Local Network
Note: When following the steps below, upon rebooting the computer, you may get a Network login; if you want to remove the password never enter a password, only enter the username. Because of different setups, the user may need to do one or more of the steps below to disable the Windows 95 and 98 passwords.
Select All users in Password:
  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Open the Passwords icon.
  3. Click the User Profiles tab
  4. Select the first option "All users of this PC use the same preferences and desktop settings."
  5. Reboot computer.
  6. After the computer boots up and no password was entered, reboot again to see if the changes fixed the computer. If issue persists, continue troubleshooting by following the next step.
Enable Windows Login:
  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Open the Network icon.
  3. Under the "Primary Network Login" change the value from "Client for Microsoft Networks" to "Windows Login."
  4. Click Ok.
  5. Once changed reboot the computer.
  6. After the computer boots up and no password was entered, reboot again to see if the changes fixed the computer. If issue persists, continue troubleshooting by following the next step.
Delete Stored Passwords and Profiles:
  1. Start, Shutdown, Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode.
  2. Once at the prompt type cd\windows and press enter.
  3. When at the C:\Windows> directory type del *.pwl and press enter, and delete all files found. The pwl files are the actual encrypted password files Windows stores.  
  4. Once each of these files have been deleted, type deltree profiles and press enter. Once this has been completed, press CTRL + ALT + DEL to restart the computer.
  5. After the computer boots up and no password was entered, reboot again to see if the changes fixed the computer. If issue persists continue troubleshooting by following the next step.
If the above recommendation does not work download and install TweakUI. Open TweakUI and click the login tab. Within the logon tab uncheck the log on automatically at system startup.
Final recommendations
If, after following the above recommendations, you are still receiving a password prompt when booting the computer, try following each of the above steps again and reinstall your network.
Local Network
Note: This information is pertaining to users who must authenticate with a larger network, such as a corporate network. If the network is run by somebody other than yourself, it is recommended that they handle the passwords, as additional issues may arise if the user does not have the correct privileges. Additionally, when following the steps below it is going to disable your network login.
If you want to not have a login prompt each time you turn on the computer, it is recommended that you create a log-in script for your network.
Remove Protocols - Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, Network, select any TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, or NetBEUI devices and remove the protocols. When removing protocols, if you want to continue to connect to the Internet, do not remove any Dialup adapters or protocols. Once completed, click Ok and restart the computer.

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