Missing network icon on Windows Systray - SUBILINK


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Thursday, July 9

Missing network icon on Windows Systray

Missing network icon on Windows Systray

By default, the network icon found in the Windows Notification Area (Systray) is set to not be seen. To enable this icon in your Systray follow the steps below.
  1. Right-click on the "My network Places" or "Network Neighborhood" icon on thedesktop and click properties. If this icon is not available open "Network connections" from the Control Panel.
  2. Within the network connections window, right-click on the network you want to view the network icon for and click Properties. For example, right-click on "Local Area Connection" and click properties.
  3. Finally, within the properties window, check the "Show icon in taskbar when connected" or "Show icon in notification area when connected" box at the bottom of the window.
  4. Click the "Ok" button.

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