Short Codes Used in Chat - SUBILINK


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Sunday, July 5

Short Codes Used in Chat

Short Codes Used in Chat

143: I love you.
404: I don't have any clue.
ASL: age,sex(male/female),location?
AFK: away from keyboard.
AFAIK: ar far as I know.
ASAP: as soon as possible
BF:boy friend.
BAK: back at keyboard.
BBN:bye bye now.
BBS: be back soon.
BFN: bye for now.
BRB: be right back.
B4N: bye for now.
DC: dis-connected
DL: download
FB: facebook
F9: fine
GF: girl friend
GM: good morning
GN: good night
G2G: got to go.

HRU/Hw: how are you?
Hlw: hello
ILU: I love you.
LOL: laugh out loud.
LMAO: laugh my ass out.
MP: my pleasure.
OMG!: oh my God!
Ty: Thank You
WC: welcome
WS: waalaikum'salaam(peace be upon you too).
W8: wait
WCB/WB: welcome back.

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