Update Your Fb Status or Comment in Fb with Blue Text - SUBILINK


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Sunday, July 5

Update Your Fb Status or Comment in Fb with Blue Text

Update Your Fb Status or Comment in Fb with Blue Text

We all know that facebook provides us default text colour i.e. black . Beside, this facebook haven't provided any other text colour to use as Facebook status and comment.

But here's a simple trick to use Facebook status or comment in Blue text colour which can be clicked too.

1. Firstly, copy and paste the following code same as it is where you want to upload your status or comment.

@[1: ]@@[1:[0:1: Your Text Here]]

2. Now ,in the place of Your Text Here in above code , type your status or comment.

3. Now click POST button and finally you can see that your status or comment is in blue text colour.

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