Create A Undeletable/Unrenamble Folder ! - SUBILINK


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Sunday, September 20

Create A Undeletable/Unrenamble Folder !

Hey This Is Bibek Here. Today I Got You Some Interesting Trick.If You Ever Wondered How To Create A Folder That Cannot Be Deleted Or Renameable. If Yes Then Today You Wish Is Going TO Be Full filled Because Today I Am Going To Tell How Can You Do This Awesome Trick.

How To Create A Undeletable/Unrenamble Folder ?

  • Click On Start 
  • Click Run And Type cmd And Open It
  • In The Command Prompt Type The Name Of The Disk Where You Want To Create This Folder In This Format --- <drive-name>: Eg- (If You Want To Create The Folder In The Disk E Type "E:" Without Quotes.
  • Now After You Type That Press Enter
  • Type This Code "md con\" or "md lpt1\" Without Quotes And Hit Enter 
  • Now Check The Disk Where You Have Created This Folder And Try To Delete Or Rename It.

How To Delete This Software ?
If You Think That This Software Cannot Be Deleted Then It's Wrong Yes It Can Be Deleted But Only With The Manual Method.You Can Delete The Code By Following Step's.

  • Open cmd And Type The Driver Name Where You Have Created The Folder In This Format <driver-name> Eg (If You Have Created The Folder In Drive E Then Type "E:" Without Quotes.
  • Press Enter
  • Type This Code "rd con\"  Without Quotes
  • Check The Driver The Folder Will be Deleted
Note-: You Cannot Create This Folder Into Your System Drive

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