.::Send Message To Anyone On Facebook even if they had privacy::. - SUBILINK


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Saturday, September 19

.::Send Message To Anyone On Facebook even if they had privacy::.

Mostly Peoples Doesn't Allow Others Peoples to Send Them Messages on Facebook who Are Not in Their Friendlist.. With This Trick You can Break Their Privacy and Send Him Messages Frequenntly..

Follow The Below Steps To Begin..

1. Login Into Facebook and Go To His/Her Profile..

2. Now Open Any of his/Her Photo..If All photos is Also Under Privacy Then Open His/Her Cover Photo..(Cover Pic is Always Open For Public)

3. Now Under the Photo, Click On Report Photo..

4. Now In Next Page Click on,"It Is Spam" nd Click on Next..

5. In Next Page Click On Any Option nd Click On Next..

6. Now again choose any of Option nd Click on next..

7. At Last Page, Facebook Will Ask You To Send Him/Her Message To Remove This Photo..

8. Now Type Your Messgae Nd Click on Send..

You Are All Done Now

Now You Will Able To Send Him Message By Going To Your message Folder.. Sometimes It Doesn't work Bcoz Of Facebook's Strict Privacy..

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