How To Create Rss Feed For Your Blog Websites etc ? - SUBILINK


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Sunday, September 20

How To Create Rss Feed For Your Blog Websites etc ?

Hey Guys This Is Bibek. I Know This Is A Really Simple Trick But Some People Still Don't Know How To Create Rss Feed Link So I Am Here To Help Those People First Of All Let us Know Something About Rss Feed

1. What Is Rss Feed
          RSS (Rich Site Summary); originally RDF Site Summary; often called Really Simple Syndication, uses a family of standard web feed formats to publish frequently updated information: blog entries, news headlines, audio, video. An RSS document (called "feed", "web feed", or "channel") includes full or summarized text, and metadata, like publishing date and author's name.

2. What Is The Use Of It
         If You Create Rss First Of All You Will Get More Views In Your Posts And You Will Get More Fans.RSS feeds enable publishers to syndicate data automatically. A standard XML file format ensures compatibility with many different machines/programs. RSS feeds also benefit users who want to receive timely updates from favourite websites or to aggregate data from many sites.

3. How To Create
         Now After Reading You Might Want To Create Rss Feeds For Your Blog Websites etc It Just A Simple Method Just Follow These Below Steps

  1. Go To You Will See The Box
  2. Put Your Blog Link In the Box 
  3. Click Next Now You Will Need To Choose Either You Want Atom Type Or Rss Type Choose And Click Next
  4. Keep Clicking Next Until It Tells Congrats! Your FeedBurner feed is now live. Want to dress it up a little
  5. That's It You have created A Rss For Your Blog Website etc
  6. Now Click On Publicaze Then Buzz Boost Click Activate
  7. Click On Publicaze Then Email Suscription Click Activate
  8. Click On Publicaze Then Feed Count Then Click Activate Then Click Socialize Then Click Activate
That's It You have Created A Rss Link Post It In Your Blogs Websites etc.

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