How To Install Bluestacks with 1GB RAM or Without Graphic Card - SUBILINK


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Wednesday, September 23

How To Install Bluestacks with 1GB RAM or Without Graphic Card

There are many people who might be suffering from errors like “Graphic card should be updated”, “Graphic card not supported” or “Insufficient memory or hardware error” while installing Bluestacks in their low specs system. It could be easily resolved. It is possible to bypass this error by a software called Oracle. Oracle is a table editor of Microsoft Database that allows you to edit Windows Installer packages (.msi) files. With the advancement in software technology, it is crossing the barriers of hardware tendency. After following some simple editing and tweaking you would be easily able to install Bluestacks with 1 GB RAM or without graphic card.

Steps to install Bluestacks in low specs system:

At first, download Bluestacks Offline installer from this page
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NOTE: This trick only works on Offline installer not on Split installer.

Now, download and install Orca Software from this link – Download Orca.
After finishing the installation of Orca, go to the Bluestacks offline installer file which you have downloaded from the above link.
Right click on the Bluestacks offline installer file and select “Edit with Orca” as shown in the below image.
It would open the window of Orca. Click on “Launch Condition” on your left side and select “Installed OR Physical Memory >= 1024” Condition as shown in the below image. Delete this option and press OK.
Now, go to “InstallExecuteSequence” and select “CheckMsiSignature” as shown in the below image. Delete this option also and press OK.
Now, go to “Property” and double click on the “TRUE” value of GLMODE. Replace it with FALSE and press Enter.
Now, Click on the Save button icon and close Orca software.
That’s it you are done. Now, try installing Bluestacks from the saved Offline installer setup file. Hopefully, it will run in your system successfully this time.

Please press the thanks button.
Download link of Bluestacks edited version

DISCLAIMER NOTE: The methods mentioned above will have some consequences. You are going par the hardware tendency of your system. So, it is possible that there would be some lags in your system after this. It is also possible that it could damage the hardware of your system, affecting your RAM or motherboard. Though, there has been no such complains yet use it AT YOUR OWN RISK.

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