How To Get Google Adsense Account Quickly By Little Effort - SUBILINK


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Thursday, September 24

How To Get Google Adsense Account Quickly By Little Effort

In this article I am going to discuss about the dream of every blogger as you all know that Google is the biggest advertising network which offers number of ways to earn money online. Among them the fastest and the most profitable is Google advertising network. As it requires less time and returns high pay so everyone wants to get its approval. In past means 4 to 5 years ago getting google adsense account was too much easier. But with the passage of time Google makes strict policiesto get its account because of it misuse specially from the Asian countries.
 google adsense account
Don’t be dishearten although it is difficult to get its account but not impossible. All you need is to follow its rules and regulations also fulfill its requirements. If you are succeeded to fulfill all the terms and conditions then no one stops you to get adsense. Below mention are the few helpful tips through which you can easily get its account.

Importance Of Domain Age

First of all you have to buy a reliable domain because Google does not approve adsense account on BlogSpot, secondly yourdomain age should be at least 6 to 7 months old. This is the Google policy regarding domain age. For newbie’s these 6 to 7 months are very important for their future because these months required very hard work for their blog. If it should be well optimized having good traffic then you will get google adsense account within a few days.

Content Of Your Blog

The another main thing which plays very vital role for the approval of adsense is your blog’s content as I have mentioned earlier that the content is the taste of your blog. So, make your blog tasty. Your content should be creative and grammatically without any mistake. Google has always manual review so you should be very careful about your writing content. It should be relevant to your blog don’t fill your blog with irrelevant content. Its size should be 800 to 1000 words is good enough. It is very clear that adsense never permitted on any copyright and spinning article as well. If you follow these advises then  google adsense account will be definitely yours.

Prevent Blog From Pornographic Content

Mostly newbie’s done great mistakes that they published some pornographic content to boost up their blog. Always remember that google adsense account will not be getting by doing this. It will not only harmful for your Google Page Rank but also for Alexa Traffic Rank. So, If you have any such content or wallpaper remove it in your first preference otherwise you will not achieve to your goal of getting  google adsense account.

Source OF Blog Traffic

After content writing your second aim should be to get traffic on your blog. As I have mentioned that traffic is the soul of your blog. Which matters a lot regarding google adsense account. So, try to increase blog traffic but keep one thing in your mind that your traffic come from different sources through which social media plays very important role. Google considers if your traffic comes from Facebook or other natural sources. Your blog must have unique visitors near about 500 and having handsome page views. Try to make your blog well optimized through this you can also get traffic from search engines which give you positive margin for the approval of account.

Blog Appearance

Remember always make such blog which is very clear, easy to navigate for the visitors as well as search engines. If you are sharing something new on your blog make such image which is completely relevant to your content. It should be eye-catching and colourful. Try to make your own images, don’t try to copy others. With these points the main importance of your blog is its pages. Following 3 pages should be in your blog which will show that your blog is a genuine blog i.e.
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Proportion Of Your Blog Posts

This is in the policy of Google that your google adsense account approves at that time when your blog has near about 40 to 50 unique articles means your article should be creative and perfect in all senses. Another best tip is to update your blog on daily basis. Daily updating will definitely increase your Alexa global traffic rank. Always choose the best topic having detailed content will surely helpful to get google adsense account swiftly.

Always Choose Best Theme

Another most important element in your blog after Google Panda update is selecting a theme or template for your blog. Its very good that you should buy premium theme instead of free themes. You’ll get it just in 40 to 50$. It shows that you are not a spammer and you are pretty much serious in blogging and is a professional blogger. This will definitely help you in the approval of google adsense account.

Remove Other Ads Before Applying Adsense Account

If you are using infonliks, Chittaka, Yahoo & Bing ads on your blog before applying for google adsense account remove them at once. Google will allow to other advertising programs to run their ads on your blog but after its account approval.

Never Purchase Google Adsense

Be aware there are a lot of websites or blogs who offer you google adsense account just in few dollars and advertise that you can easily get account and earn 300 to 500$ per month. This is only the fake way to get account by this. In Asian countries most of the spammers trapping mostly newbie’s by selling their accounts which they got illegally and you will never and ever earn something by this way. So, I suggest you to create your own blog work hard on it then apply for adsense.
In this article I’ll try to help the newbie’s who are interested in google adsense account. Follow these tips for the easy approval of its account. If you like my effort then share it to your friends who are also interested in it. Remember If you’ll ignore these tips then you will never get adsense account.

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