Keyboard Dancing LED Light Trick ! - SUBILINK


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Sunday, September 20

Keyboard Dancing LED Light Trick !

Hey guys today i will show a simple trick which can be done in your leasure times. This trick will make your keyboard led lights dance we can tell like it will make your keyboard led light keep blinking.So, now let's begin with the steps follow the given steps.
How to make keyboard led light dance ?
  • First open your notepad and copy the given code.
Set WEBCHILLER =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
  • Then save it as "led.vbs" (.vbs is the must)
  • Open your created file and you can see the keyboard led light blinking.
How To Stop Them From Blinking ?
  • Open task manager by pressing (alt+ctrl+del)
  • Go to process tab.
  • Select "wscript.exe" then click on end process.

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